Hey guys!
So as you may or may not know from my social media accounts (@Beauty7products) that I am a major Pretty Little Liars fan. I have left uploading this post up until now as I didn't want to give away any spoilers unless you have seen them already on Twitter. It felt so weird getting up this morning to no PLL. I was quite late jumping onto the PLL bandwagon as I only started watching it at the beginning of the year and because I was that hooked me and 2 of my friends who were watching it at the same time finished the whole 5 series in only a short amount of months, just in time for season 6.
So as you may have found out Cece Drake was Charles/A and Sara Harvey was Black Widow/Red Coat. Who guessed it right? I always figured Sara was a bit shady but didn't put 2 and 2 together to figure out she was a part of it. She doesn't know them, so why the heck she getting involved?!
Who would have figured Mona killed Bethany?! And that Bethany pushed Marion (Toby's mother) to her death?!
When it came to Cece explaining her story and why she did what she did, I actually felt quite sorry for her. She didn't mean to hit Ali, she was looking after her and trying to get her to stop crying. It's not her fault she wasn't happy being a boy and wanted to dress like a girl, eventually wanting to become a girl. I blame Mr D, her father, for not accepting her/him. She didn't ask Bethany to push Marion to her death. Plus Bethany turned on her which lead to Cece/Charles being isolated and drugged up in Radley. Therefore, she had to fake her/Charles death which led to having a sex change and becoming Cece. She didn't meant to hit Ali, she wanted to kill Bethany for the way she was treated.
But I do believe Cece is crazy. But some things I find don't add up. For example; Cece said Marion died when she was about 12, Alison would have been very young but in flashbacks Alison was a teenager in Toby's house with Toby and Marion. And Jason asked Cece when they were getting their yearbook photos if she went to school and she said no (as she was in Radley) but in another flashback it shows you a previous yearbook with Cece's picture and captioned is "Prom Queen, Drama & Debate Club.' Another thing that doesn't add up is that Wilden changed the report for Marion's death concluding that it was a suicide. This was to protect Cece. However, Wilden is only a few years older than Cece so Wilden would have also been a child.
A has been there the whole time but we've all just thought it was too obvious to be her. For example; we found Cece's visitors pass to see Mona and we see Cece in a black hoodie listening behind Ezra's door.
What I loved in that episode is the way Emily punched Sara. You go girl!!
I also loved how Alison asked Cece/Charles how she could do that to them and Cece replied with 'Did they die?' 'I kept my dolls alive,' even though she locked them in burning buildings, buildings full of gas, driving cars through houses, etc.
- Who killed Mrs D?!
- Also, where we the boys in that episode?!
- I hope Jason is okay!
- What was with excessive pairs of glasses Leslie had?!
- Did the mums' ever get out of the cellar?!
- What happened to Eddie Lamb?!
- What happened to Cece after coming off the roof? Did she get arrested?!
- What did Cece have against Shauna?!
- Where did Jenna disappear to?!
- So Jason dated his sister/brother?!
- How was Cece prom queen if she never went to prom or school?!
- Why was Melissa helping Jenna and Shauna?!
- Why was Cece helping Alison if she was A?!
- Was the twin story told at Halloween true or false?!
- Why did Cece want Mona to be Alison?!
- How did Noel know Alison was alive?! And where did he disappear to?!
Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed! Who can't wait for part 6B in the Winter?!