Hey guys,
A lot of the time I will find myself reminiscing about my childhood past. To be honest there is quite a lot of my childhood I don't remember but who does remember everything though?
So lets get straight into it...
1. When I was very young I told people I was married to Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars and I was obsessed with JarJar Binks. I had the JarJar backpack and would go round everywhere shouting JarJar. Was one of my first words. Talking about first words...My dad works away Monday to Friday so family would ask my mum how Dean is or what's Dean up to or what her's and Dean's plans were for the weekend. So because Dean was often heard and because my name is very similar I learnt that word before dad/daddy so would annoy him by saying Dean everytime instead of Dad/Daddy.
2. When I was a baby I moved into my Nan and Grandad's video shop so they could help my Mum and Dad out with being a new mother to me. Unfortunately a few months later my Grandad past away due to an asthmatic attack and then my Nan died 3 years later due to a brain haemorrhage. My mum and dad decided to keep their legacy open and take over the shop in which I lived in until I was 9 years old. I remember me and my siblings taking all the chocolate bars or we would play hide and seek in the aisles when we was shut. Then my auntie and uncle moved in to help with their newborn to help my mum and dad out to further expand.
3. Going on the kid's pirate ship until I was like 13 years old because I am so scared of heights, I still won't go on the normal pirate ship haha. Even the Miami Trip...my best friend, Elly, had to bribe me to go on it when I was 15...luckily I like that now.
4. Getting a caravan as a communion/ family present in which we have now had for 13 years. We have recently just sold it as us kids are now grown up which is a shame as there are so many memories there and I made great friends who I still keep in touch with.
5. Being a cheerleader and a footballer. No more words said.
Nadine Alex x
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