Hey guys!
So apart from the Sisterhood Tag (click here) I haven't been very consistent in my blogging. Therefore, I apologise!
Before I get back to my weekly posts I just wanted to have a catch up with you guys and sum up everything I have been up to.
Well firstly, as you may have heard (from post 'Road to Recovery' click here) I had an operation on my ankle in March after suffering from 3 breaks. This meant I fell behind in college with coursework and exam prep. On my first day back I got thrown into mocks which made me think real hard and realise that if I wanted to pass I had better attend more lessons, clinics and just overall buckle myself down and crack on with revision. Also, my coursework was all due in the same week as my operation. Therefore, there was even more added pressure!
I finally finished college/sixth form on the 12th June!! Hallelujah!!
Secondly, with my week being taken up with college and my weekends being taken up with work, especially as I have been doing night shifts (11pm til 7am) I have found it very hard to find the time for myself and just to relax and get back into the full swing of blogging. Now that I have finishe college I have 5 days free so hallelujah I can get back into the full swing of blogging and spending more time for myself, family and friends.
I also spent quite a bit of time planning and prepping for Prom (which was Thursday last gone). Make sure to check back in few days where I iwll do a post on Prom full of images taken on the day.
I would also just like to mention that on the 29th May my cousin gave birth to a beautiful baby girl called Emily Taylor (ET, as we like to joke.) Emily was born just over 3 week spremature due to the placenta not fully working. She weighed only 4'lb and 8'oz. She is the first baby girl in our family in 8 years which made it more special. I now even feel more honoured as my cousin has as,ked me to be the Godmother of Emily, which has made so HAPPY!! :)
Now its time for the Summer!
What have yous beenm up to?
Thankyou for reading,