Hey guys,
I cannot believe that it's 2019. I know it's the 12th but I have been so busy that I've only just got round to write this post. Happy New Year everyone!!
2018 flew by, agreed? When reflecting on the year there was many highs and many lows that I actually think it was one the toughest years I've had since 2014/15. I'm so grateful to be stepping into 2019 with everyone I love surrounding me. Everyone says 'new year new me' but no I'm going to stay the same, but be better and positive version of myself. I always makes resolutions but I never actually stick to them... no matter how many times I write it down or tell people.
Lets summarise 2018:
- Got a 1st in my dissertation
- Turned 21
- Finished university
- Ladies Day
- Girls holiday to Barcelona
- Found my passion in photography
- I love Chinese food
- Graduated with a BA Honours Upper second hand class degree
- Started my new job in Accounts
- Reconnected with old friends - Some may not say that is a big highlight - but for me it is because they helped and supported me so much, that I'm so grateful
- My cousin, best friend and sister all announced their pregnancy... Roll on 2019... baby heaven!
- Our friendship group had a massive argument at the start of the year - turns out to be positive as our group now is very strong but it wasn't very nice to start the year like that
- I lost a close family friend due to a sudden heart attack
- Found out my sister had depression and she 'blamed' me because we are complete opposites - even though she actually didn't know that I was suffering in silence for years
- Found my brother on a bridge with self-harmed wrists
- My cousin who I'm close to tried to commit 4/5 times and got admitted into a mental hospital
- My mental health went down hill again
- My old job took its toll
- I stopped blogging
- My Nan has become really ill... just got to pray and hope lots
- I haven't gone ahead with my plans for teacher training - I've decided to take a break to regain myself and re-decide what I want to do with my life
When reflecting on the year, what a s**t year it has been!
In 2019 my goals are:
- Restart the gym
- Cut back on my nights out
- Restart my driving lessons
- Save money
- Stop being so sensitive and comparing myself to people
- Stop being nice and caring to everyone if they aren't going to be back
- To read more often
- To work on loving myself and being more positive
- To sort out how to reduce my anxiety and overthinking thoughts which cause stress and attacks
- Up my water intake - I used to be really good at this but from September onwards I noticed I wasn't drinking as much
- I want to get my teeth sorted - I am very self-conscious about my teeth and hate smiling with my teeth on show. The dentist said I had a small mouth with lots of teeth therefore my teeth became overcrowded. However, my dentist swanned off to Australia and then I turned 18 so now I have to pay. But I'm willing to pay if it's going to help me be more loving towards myself.
- Go for regular walks after work
- I like to cook and bake so I would like to expand the range I cook
- Get a set routine with my sleep
- Socialise more
- Be more patient
- Stop procrastinating - especially when it comes to blogging
Nadine Alex x
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Twitter: @beauty7products
Instagram: @nadineealex_97
Bloglovin: Nadine Alex