Blogger Recognition Award

January 09, 2019

Hey guys,

I can't believe I haven't done a post since September. These last few months have been so crazy, its unreal. Anyways, I was in the middle of debating what should be my comeback when Malcolm's Mommy tagged me for the Blogger Recognition Award. Thank you so much. Don't worry, for one of my resolutions this year is to be more organised and proactive with my blog as I do miss it. 

When you’re nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award, there are rules you need to follow while accepting the award in order to keep the circle going:
  • Thank the blogger that nominated you
  • Write a post to show your award
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to 
  • Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post
My story
             I started this blog in 2014 as I had broken my foot and was off school for quite a while. I was getting quite bored and even though work was set for me I wanted to still do my passion, which is photography. So I opted to take pictures of my favourite makeup and set up a blog. At the time, Zoe Sugg and Tanya Burr were massive (still are) with their blogs so it was the perfect hobby to uptake whilst I was off. Also, I went through quite a bit of stress and sadness during high school, college and university so I found just writing things down (not in a diary but online) was like a destress and I felt so much calmer. Even if I didn't upload the posts but yet still wrote them down, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulder. 

My advice
             To be honest, I haven't got any advice that hasn't already been said. One piece of advice is not to stress about sticking to a strict time schedule on posting. If your not feeling your not feeling. If you feel like posting to your heart's content, do it. Like I've said I've had so much going on, so I haven't posted since September. But I feel so much more content and fresh within myself and for my blog. 

Another piece of advice I would give is to post whatever you want to post. Don't post what everyone else is posting or what you think makes people happy. It's not you and it's not what your blog is about. Be proud of what you write and be positive. 

A third piece of advice I would offer is to be interactive with other bloggers on social media and their blogs. If you want the followers and the readers you've got to put yourself out there and socialise with other bloggers. They may actually give you some inspiration for your blog. I know quite a few bloggers have. The blogging community is huge and is getting bigger by the minute. Everyone is so welcoming and supportive. It's just madness how many could actually be living in the same area as you too. 


Nadine Alex x
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