Hey guys,
So I get stressed and anxious so easily and I have seen so many people around me are the same, especially with the pandemic and going back into work. Stress can affect us in different ways but is just a normal part of life, everyone gets it at some stage; whether it's majority of the time or just a little bit. I personally envy those who only get stressed now and then. I'm such an overthinker even with the small things. I think more and more people will be suffering with stress & anxiety now as most people are back to work, school, university.
Here are 5 tips that can help with stress:
- Move - Whether this cleaning, going for a walk, going the gym - Just move your body and get active.
- Write it down - I find I get my best headspace for blogging when I am anxious or stressed and want to escape reality for a bit. If your not a blogger maybe invest in a notepad, or Microsoft word or even the notes section on your phone. I always find that when I'm overthinking or if someone has irritated me just pouring my heart into a draft post or draft word document just feels like a weight off my shoulders. Anybody else done this?
- Mindfulness - There are so many different mindfulness apps available. I especially love the App, Calm. This really does calm me down and helps with my breathing techniques. I have my sleep patterns is a lot better. Another mindfulness technique is Yoga. So many more people are taking up Yoga, I think I hear a conversation about Yoga everyday. In April my Uncle had a few minor heart attacks (if minor is appropriate) and has since took up Yoga to help keep relaxed and you can see such a difference.
- Pause, take a breathe, adapt & allow - If something is stressing you out, pause and take a breather before taking upon that stressful task. If it's somebody who is stressing you out, pause and take a breather and just think are they worth the stress/trouble/your mind space?! This pandemic has made me re-evaluate and I even got a tattoo on my foot with the word 'Pause...' with a butterfly flying away to represent me letting it go. Allow yourself to close that book (if so) or take that different path, its acceptable. There are so many different options and choices out there now.
- Do the small tasks first, if appropriate - I always used to find I would do the bigger tasks first as I think 'Oh hey now look at my pile now the big ones are out the way'. But then the smaller piles would be the most complicated. Depending on the task, I have found sometimes the smaller tasks can actually take up the most time vice versa. Sort your piles out or write down your tasks, scan over them and sort what you think would work for you. End of the day, it's all about destressing so what works for me might not work for the next person, so it is literally on what is best for you.
Have you got any other de-stressing techniques? Leave a comment below.
Nadine Alex x
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