Hey guys,
Happy Sunday. So ironic when we love a Sunday but we hate a Monday ahaha. As much as I love having a chilled day of staying in pjs and binging a Netflix series' I actually prefer getting my s***t together as I feel so much better and calmer within the week. Those who know me, I get overwhelmed easily which leads to be ending up in a mood & irritated if I don't feel organised or have a plan. Which is even more mad as I struggle with mojo and having the get up and go. It took me weeks to clean out my room, which is a still a work in progress - But in my defence, I'm having a big clear out of my room.
- Plan out your week - Appointments, intentions, habit tracker, schedules, meetings
- Clean out your purse & receipts
- Grocery shop & meal prep
- Clean your home & tidy away things that are left around
- Laundry
- Set your goals
- Check your bank accounts & make notes on your tracker - I keep a spreadsheet of my payslip and then I highlight my monthly outcomes (I do do this on a monthly basis but on a weekly basis I go into a bit more detail), expenses I have planned for the week (I used to do this on a monthly but who plans a month ahead like dates, meals, etc). I also do a No spend document so I update this.
- Indulge in self-care - Have a bath, light a candle, do a face mask
Nadine Alex x
Twitter: @nadineealex_
Instagram: @nadineealex_97
Bloglovin: Nadine Alex
Lemon8: @nadinehutchinson