7 Ways to Boost Self-Confidence

March 02, 2024

Hey guys,

How's everyone's 2024 going?

Everyone who know's me know that I am the most anxious, overthinker and struggle with self-confidence and self-belief. I always have doubt and my mind is always doing 360s, in which everything gets heightened.

Over the last few weeks I have been on New Skills Academy throwing myself into courses, hitting the gym, reading books and getting into a more settling and calming routine. It's been hard but everything is at first, isn't it?! One thing I have definitely been working on is my confidence and why I have none. Why am I always doubting things and turning good things into negative?!

Here are some things I have learnt about how I can boost my self-confidence if you're feeling the same:

  • Recognise what you're good at - If I got asked 'Nadine, what are you good at?' I would definitely have to sit there and think hard but really I'm pretty good at being there for people, being an Auntie & really good at my job. I'm also good at skincare and giving facials. I don't know why but when my Boss highlights a mistake I instantly think it's me and I have to double check to see if it was me. But so what if I did make a mistake? I'm not perfect and definitely not a robot. My boss put lots onto me as I'm always up to date and I am good at my job. Another self-confidence thing is that I'm good at facials but I won't take this up as I'm always like what if I cause a reaction, what if I'm not as good as I think I am, what if I get no clients?...
  • Positive relationships - I would be lost without my support base. I have so many people to talk to but I don't talk, I don't like sharing how I feel and making myself vulnerable or wanting to feel like a burden. But that's not true. So many people are there and do listen and guide me. Enough said.
  • Celebrate small wins - The waking up, the getting the shower, etc. Big or small. I've got a Journal in which I reflect morning and night and god this helps.
  • Do kind acts for others
  • Move - Go for a walk, go the gym, throw a Youtube video on. Just move!
  • Be kind to yourself - Calm your mind, spend time with people who care and love you (vice versa), compassion, celebrate your growth, don't live online and as soon as a negative thought pops into your head, pop 2 positive thoughts into your head by reading affirmations or highlighting 2 good things that you have achieved with your day or about yourself. 
  • Hobbies - Do more of your hobbies and what you're good at and just lose yourself within that.
Nadine Alex x
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