Makeup Mistakes you Don't Realise you are Making

July 13, 2017

Hey guys,
So as many of us do there are many makeup mishaps we make and when thinking back to my previous years of wearing makeup, I made quite a few. Nobody is perfect at their makeup, I've known some MUA's who have made quite a few mistakes. 
Prepping your skin:

During high school I used to just apply my foundation without any base and looking back my makeup looked dry yet patchy. Then during college my skin was starting to get dehydrated and I started to get a creased makeup look aswell as breakouts so I started using Simple's toner and light moisturiser. These products helped keep my skin look and feel healthy aswell as keeping my foundation in place. About a year or 2 ago I came across primers and the hype over how they keep my makeup fixed all day and still looking flawless. I like to do my skincare first and then do my hair or have my breakfast then do my makeup. This is so it lets the skincare set in place. 

Shade of foundation:

When looking back at previous images from during high school and college I definitely went a few shades darker than my natural shade and never blended it completely out down my neck so I literally had an orange face and a white neck. I've now learnt its best when testing out foundations to do it on the jawline and in natural lighting. However, thanks to technology there are some foundation testing machines at makeup counters that pick the right foundation to your skin tone. 

Not wetting your blending sponge:

I have seen so many people (Yes you...mum) using a dry blending sponge as they find it too much to get up and go to the bathroom to wet the sponge to come back. Me and my mum both bought a blender and when we both compared ours, mine looks brand new still and is useable whereas my mum has had to go out and buy a new blender. 

Using your hands:

I've seen quite a few people use their hands to do foundation. I used to be guilty of this when I was brand new to using makeup as I had no brushes. Using your fingers to pat your concealer is okay, I'd say.(As long as you wash your hands before and after and its your ring finger.) But using hands is a no go as hands are covered in germs in which can then get into your pores creating breakouts. 


My friend Tom, who is a MUA, told me this is a common makeup mistake that many people make as they either contour the wrong places or they contour using the wrong colour. He explained that most people contour in a straight line in the hollow bit under the cheek; however the contour should curve to make the cheekbone stand out. When I contour I like to bronze first in the shape of a 3 (chin/jawline, cheekbones and forehead) and then I apply a darker shade to contour my cheekbones. I then blend it out so I get a more natural and less muddy look. 

Winged eyeliner:

Okay...this is definitely me...still. I 100% cannot do eyeliner. I have tried with every trick; using a spoon and using tape to guide me. But I'm still useless. I'm able to get the line right just not the winged bit. On the odd occasion I will be able to get the wing right but only one eye. Unfortunately. 


I have seen so many people on social media who haven't completely blended out their translucent powder so they are left with white powder still on their faces. It can especially show up when the flash is taken as some products have light reflecting particles.  

Not cleaning your makeup brushes (or not enough anyways):

I used to be so guilty at not washing my makeup brushes enough and always made excuses. Yes it's a pain and time consuming but isn't it the best feeling when they are all clean and then the feeling of the clean brushes against your skin. It is the least favourite job ever but I admit I have gone so much better at this with cleaning my brushes every 2 weeks and my blender every 4 days. 

Sleeping in your makeup:

I did this the odd occasion when I was younger and say to myself its only this once to wake up to find I have to wash my pillowcase and I would have come out in a few spots. Now when I go on nights out or on night shifts I make sure I take my makeup off, even if it isn't a proper skincare regime. On night shifts I take my makeup remover with me so once the shift is done I'll go to the staff toilet and remove my makeup. Saves me so much time for when I get in. 

Over-tweezing your eyebrows:

I didn't touch my eyebrows until I was 16 years old. And then it became a 'thing' in my regime that when I saw a stray hair I would pluck it to the point I had over-tweezed and my eyebrows were so thin. I look back at my photos during college and think what was going through my mind. I have just sorted my eyebrows out now. I hadn't touched them in about 3/4 weeks. It was so difficult I actually put them in my mum's safe as I don't know her code, ahaha. I tweezed them a few days ago and I'm actually quite proud of myself and the shape and thickness of them. I have gave the tweezers back to her so I can grow them a bit more. And now thats my routine, how mental is that please ahaha. 
Nadine Alex x
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