Mental Health During A Pandemic
April 12, 2020
Hey guys,
I was going to do a 'March Loves' post but then realised I haven't really done anything or tried anything new to love this month with the whole pandemic lockdown going on. I see so many people saying they are starting to get bored and out of the their minds with just being off and in their house for so long. I am quite lucky in the sense that my work is still open. My work provides vehicles to the military, NHS, water utilities, BT fleet and other essential companies; therefore we have to stay open - or just until the companies are sorted. Our company is quite good in the sense that they have allowed staff who have children or partners in the front line to alter their hours or to work from home and they have limited the office to 2-3 people so some will do the first half of the week and the others will do the second half of the week.I never, ever imagined that I would be living in a pandemic. I mean, when my grandparents talk about War I can never imagine it or think that we would go something so unbearable. It has never crossed my mind. But here we are, the world is full of surprises. Especially for 2020. We all know that when this pandemic is over, life will never be the same. Hopefully for the better.
On the days where I have been off I have never been so productive in my life:
- I finally cleaned out my cupboards, night out outfits, holiday clothes and coats/jackets and all in a bag ready to go to charity
- Cleaned out my skincare and makeup. I decided to throw out majority of it as I don't even know the expiry date of them
- Caught up with my endless list of TV shows and films as well as YouTube videos
- I have been following Joe Wicks exercise classes on YouTube as well as Boxercise sessions
- I have been cleaning out my photos on my laptop and phone - Boy I love taking photos, it's taking me forever - and I have the same but different type of photos
I've seen so many people debate on whether or not they would prefer to work in their office or work from home. To be honest, I get so easily distracted and love my sleep; so personally I would prefer to work in the office as it gives me normality, structure and a plan for the day. But for people who don't have the option I have a few tips. I got these tips from when I had to take some time out of education for a bad break to the ankle and an operation:
- Make a to-do-list every night - One for work and one for out of work
- Have a clear and tidy space - Makes you feel organised
- Have a proper breakfast and lunch meals
- Get changed - One of the girls in work who is a Sales Rep was saying when she is working from home she gets ready each morning (including makeup) as sometimes she'll have to dash out to meet customers - Therefore getting changed may help get you into work mode - Maybe without the makeup to give your skin a break, entirely up to personal preference
- Make your bed - This will help with temptation of working in your bed
- Open windows for fresh air
- Make sure you have communications via email or phone with your colleagues
- Do your usual work hours - This keeps normality and structure as you don't want to be doing the odd thing between 6-9pm as that will make your night routine fall behind, lose sleep and throw you off the next day
As yous may know, I was looking forward to 2020 but hadn't got off to the best start. I decided enough was enough so got back into my blogging, booked my theory test and then was going to do a crash course (as I have done quite a few lessons prior). However, I have found that during this pandemic I am actually quite calm and positive, don't know if that is because I'm still working or not. Plus, in my head of thinking, we can't control other peoples' hygiene and actions, only our own. So as long as I'm keeping what I am doing, fingers crossed I'll be fine. I have found that I have wanted to exercise more than usual, ditch the makeup and skincare and basically just use warm water. Has anyone else's skin broke out and felt weird since this lockdown?...
As much as my friends and family have said avoid watching the news and the media at this moment in time. It's hard. Social media platforms are eerie at the moment. But I'm loving how quite a lot of people I follow are so positive and have been sharing their nature pictures, family quality time, finding their lost passions, baking and inspirational quotes. I am also loving the challenges everyone has been participating in, whether it's; rainbows, baby photo, glow up photos, music challenges, selfies, until tomorrow and raising awareness for suicide. But, it is also enviable to see the negative side where people are sharing news articles and the statistics for your area, country and worldwide.
There are so many opinions and comments from various articles which are contradicting to other articles and no one actually knows what is going on, what figures are right and what stage our country is up to. One minute the country is at it's peak and the next minute our peak won't be for another week or 2... I have found that to protect my mental health is to not believe everything I read and only focus on what the Government/Department of Health, NHS, WHO or the BBC are reporting. At first, I was seeing so many conspiracies and theories and I was overthinking and overanalysing them, so my mind was baffled in to which I wouldn't even know my left from my rights ahah.
Some things that I have found useful to keep me calm or could possibly help yourselves feel calm:
- Meditation, yoga or pilates
- Exercise
- Go for a long (social distance) walk
- Colour
- Read
- Have a long hot bubble bath - Maybe a bath bomb, some candles, relaxing music and some epsom salts
- I have removed all my nail polish off my fingers and toes - I know some people may prefer to paint them instead but I am lazy and if it chips it agitates me
- FaceTime family & friends
- Make a list of what your grateful for
- Make a bucket list of things you want to do once the pandemic is over
- Take a step back and remove all unnecessary things - Photos, old contacts, emails (and unsubscribe), junk - See what friends have actually made the effort with you whilst it's lockdown and keep that in mind of who you think is important in your growth & development
- Understand that it's okay to feel shit or whatever it is you will feel - Take it step by step
- Plenty of cuppas and biscuits
- And with this gorgeous weather at the moment who needs bars when you can get some cans, some BBQ food and sunbathe
Nadine Alex x
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