Hey guys,
This year has definitely has been a year of thinking and analysing and trying to become a better version of yourself. And I definitely over analyse everything. It's fair to say that everyone has noticed that lately I have been stuck in kind of a rut and so many times I need people to reassure me and just pull me back up basically.
- Big Plans
- Love for writing & reading
- Football & cheerleading
- Being a big sister to 3 brothers & 3 sisters
- Working in Subway
- Going to University and graduating with a 2.1
- My Nan dying / My Dad working away
- Going to a completely different high school to all my friends
- Having a family caravan
- Living in a video shop
What experiences did you have that shaped who you became?
Nadine Alex x
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Twitter: @nadineealex_
Instagram: @nadineealex_97
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