My Favourite Female Characters
December 06, 2019
Hey guys,
One of my favourite things to do is watch movies and binge watch TV series' so I think it's about time I did a review on a few of my film and TV favourites - in particular my favourite female characters and how they have been strong advocates for empowerment.
I love my nights out but I would choose a night in with a good film/series with a takeaway and munchies, snuggled up on the couch with a blanket. I've always been that kinda girl. I even do a club in high school called 'Film Club' which ran on a Saturday. Yes Saturday you read that right...We would to school on a Saturday and watch a different film each time in the school hall and then would go to the ICT room and write up a review. I felt that this started my Saturday's off right as it was 9:30am start (includes breakfast beforehand and popcorn and sweets throughout the film) and would be finished by 1pm. Then we had the day to be productive. Nowadays, people would be lucky if I'm up by 1pm because of my nights out haha.
Fallon Carrington - Dynasty
Fallon Carrington has got to be up there as one woman I inspire to in TV as she is an independent, fiery, intelligent, business savvy and knows what she wants. Fallon ends up standing up to her millionaire dad when she disagrees with his morals and decides she is strong and powerful enough by herself to create her own dynasty. Although she can be manipulative and use people's feelings against them for her own benefit, she shows that even when they get revenge she still has a strong willpower and nothing will get her down.![]() |
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Princess Leia - Star Wars
Princess Leia is a strong minded and intelligent woman who isn't afraid to speak her mind even when she was confronted by the biggest villains (Darth Vader). She was quick thinking, headstrong and fierce which led to her determination to succeed in every task she set. Even though she was a Princess she never used her royalty to gain respect and basically showed that the name Princess was just a tile. Her main priority was to help those who needed her the most. She actually showed more braveness than her twin brother Luke. She definitely wore the trousers there and the trousers in her relationship with Han Solo.![]() |
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Elle Woods - Legally Blonde
Well firstly, our first impression of Elle Woods is that she is a spoilt sorority sister who is looking to be engaged to her posh/rich boyfriend. However, the date didn't go to plan as he was actually breaking up with her instead of proposing. Then what I did initially think made her character worse was the fact she was changing herself and her personality to win him back. 10 out of 10 for efforts though. However, once she was accepted into Law school, Elle actually saw the other side to herself and recognised that she didn't need to win a man over as she was actually capable herself and she just needed to find herself. Elle Woods was pushed to her limits a few times but showed that nothing was going to stop her and she used her knowledge and confidence to help others. Although she was ditzy (and slightly guliable), she was still very thoughtful (even to those who pushed her to her limits) and intellectual. She solved a murder crime and found a guy who is way better than her can she not be up there?!![]() |
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Olive Penderghast - Easy A
I love Olive just for the reason that she doesn't care what people think of her but when it does get too much she stands up for herself. She doesn't care who the bully is. At first she allows them to take advantage of her as she is helping them out in tricky situations (with their partners and to become popular etc) but it gets to the point where she becomes unhappy and is slut shamed by everyone so puts a stop to it. She's clever, funny and remembers to put her happiness first. ![]() |
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Kat Stratford - 10 Things I Hate About You
This is one of my favourite films. I loved Heath in this. Julia Stiles is an amazing actress. Why her character is my favourite in this film is because she isn't your typical high school student. Her younger sister, Bianca, is a girly-girl who is popular amongst everyone whereas Kat is the kinda girl who doesn't care what people thinks, and is very snarky towards people. Kat is smart yet rebellious and stubborn but is only like that due to past issues and trying to be the productive sister to Bianca. Kat comes across as a know-it-all (even to the teachers) but she actually is vulnerable and kind, but its just getting past that guard. ![]() |
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Whilst on the topic of Matilda, can I just say I love Miss Honey too. Since I was a child I have wanted to become a teacher and she is one of my inspirations. Yes she's an actress and isn't actually a teacher but the acting of a teacher is an inspiration. The way she teaches the children through fun activities (songs, poems & colours) and the way she cares for the children like they are her own. I pray one day I can be a Miss Honey when I become a teacher.
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Bridget Jones
Everyone can relate to Bridget Jones. We've all been there with doing something embarrassing and feeling that dread. Bridget is awakard, cringey yet hilarious and loveable. Bridget never lets herself get down and if she does, she picks herself right up. She has a lot of fun in which she would be a ball to hang around with. We need a Bridget in our life. ![]() |
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Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) - Avengers
To be honest I never gave Black Widow a thought in Avengers, even though she is a main character. I think I was more into Thor, Captain America and Iron Man. But in Avengers Endgame, my mind completely switched. Sorry for spoilers if you haven't seen it* - Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow was the only character to have not given up on hope of finding the missing people. In one scene she sacrificed herself in order to help bring back the missing people. Black Widow outsmarted Hawkeye for the greater good of saving half the universe. She sacrificed herself as she explained that Hawkeye had a family he needed to get back. Natasha was also level-headed and strong willing woman. She was also an intelligent and flirty yet vulnerable woman who had a sarcastic sense of humour but tried her hardest she show that she had no emotion. ![]() |
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Nadine Alex x
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