How To Stay Productive In Lockdown
May 05, 2020
Hey guys,
Hope everyone are well and are keeping safe in lockdown. Hopefully we are starting to come to the end as Johnson has stated that we are past our peak. Who knows... Coping with the outbreak of Covid-19 has had such a huge impact on all groups of people worldwide. I know that majority of people have been furloughed and if they haven't they are working from home. My work has stayed open as it's classed as essential. I don't know whether I'm lucky to be working or unlucky as I'm not keeping as safe as I should be. I'm trying my best. I feel quite lucky that I still know what day it is (ahah) and I still have a routine. Before my dad unfortunately lost his job he was working from home and was saying he no more motivation and was struggling to focus. I've seen quite a few in the same boat.
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Photo Credit: Paige Cody on Unsplash |
- Create a home office space - If you don't have the space maybe make sure your office equipment such as; laptop, phone etc is all set up so in the morning you can just crack on with your day. Make sure its organised.
- Wake up early - I suggest maybe waking up the same time you usually do for work - I know quite a few people who have to keep a log and log on your normal work time.
- You should also aim to get 8 hours sleep - I know that if I was working from home I would end up being a night owl with the mindset like 'oh its fine I'm home anyway.' So try to stick to the hours you would normally go to bed when your due in work.
- Have a healthy breakfast and plenty of water
- Every night make a to-do list ready for the following day - I tend to write 2 lists each day - 1 for work and 1 for everyday life. I even do them on weekends. I'm such a saddo haha but it makes me feel so organised. Also, maybe trying to group similar tasks together and then break your tasks into smaller and manageable tasks. You could even sort them into high importance to non essential tasks.
- Have your phone on 'Do not disturb' mode - This will stop your notifications brightening up the screen each time. I know each time my phone flashes in work I'm eager to catch a glimpse and go on my phone which is such a big distraction.
- Set yourself goals & visualise the success
- Learn whilst commuting - I get the car to work with my mum and tend to use that 10-15 minutes there and back to practice some theory questions ready for when I do the test. I used to do this quite a bit when I was on public transport and was in university. Maybe whilst working from home you could schedule in your travel time to do something else productive other than work.
- Before you scheduled to finish on the Friday, plan your Monday - This will help you feel organised as you won't have to think about it on Sunday and panic rush around to get yourself organised of what you need to do.
- If you have children or your partner are home to have a conversation with them about you working from home - You may find that you will have to make some sacrifices or compromises to make it work. One of the girls who are working from home is quite lucky to have an office room and has signs on her door she can change to let her children know if it is safe or not to be in the room.
- You may also find you have to work in shifts if your partner is still working - One of the other girls in work is working from home as she's pregnant and because her husband is a police officer she has to do staggered hours in order to look after her son; therefore she keeps a log so the boss knows she is doing the amount of hours she is scheduled for. I know quite a few people are scheduling their children into the day to homeschool them and therefore working a bit later than usual.
- Dress for work - Okay this actually depends on what you usually wear for work - But this could actually help get you in the right mindset. The people who are working from home are maybe wear their jumpers and shirts and then maybe throwing some jogging bottoms or gym leggings on as they are lot more comfortable to sit in; especially for the pregnant ladies in work.
- If yous are working from home embrace the tech and get connected - Our workplace and a lot more other companies have set Zoom up so the people who are working from home can keep in contact with those in the office. Sort of like a virtual office. It's so handy.
Nadine Alex x
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Bloglovin: Nadine Alex
This is great advice. It's really important to stay healthy and try to live as normal as possible right now.
ReplyDeleteThank you, isn't just. I actually haven't got bored or lost my mind thankfully so hopefully it will help a lot others. Hope you've been keeping safe x