What I Need To Stop Worrying About

February 06, 2021

 Hey guys,

It's safe to say we all get anxious and self-conscious about different things about ourselves but after the year we've had, we need to stop putting these pressures on ourselves. I thought by sharing with you what I need to stop worrying about might help encourage you to stop worrying about maybe the same or similar situations. So let's jump straight into it...

  1. My weight - Even though I'm a size 8/10 and people say they would love to be that size I'm always so self-conscious and have never been seen to wear tight outfits or crop tops as they make me feel uncomfortable. I struggle a lot with stomach pains so this could be a reason so I need to learn this is out of my control. Also, I need to remember that the number on the scales is just a number and that different brands and different styles aren't gonna be the same size.
  2. What others think 
  3. What is out of my control 
  4. Work
  5. Scenarios that haven't happened yet
  6. What could go wrong/don't go to plan
  7. The past mistakes
  8. Unimportant people - Need to start letting things go. 
'More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgement. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.' - Roy T. Bennett

We all need to make ourselves a number one priority. 
  1. Allocate time for yourself
  2. Be kind to yourself
  3. Self love & self care
  4. Surround yourself with the right people
  5. Don't be afraid to ask for help
  6. Acknowledge your feelings
  7. Listen to your body's needs
'Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what will be.'

Hope you enjoyed this post as I found writing this up just took a weight off my shoulder and I can always reflect back to ensure I keep my mind at ease. I hope you liked this kind of post. Let me know 💖
Nadine Alex x
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Twitter: @nadineealex_
Instagram: @nadineealex_97 
Bloglovin: Nadine Alex 

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  1. I struggle with those thoughts myself. My identity issues really did a number on my body image issues and the racism I endured left me with depression

    1. Aww I hope that you have found a way to stop worrying about them insecurities, you should love yourself <3. You should have to deal with racism. The world can be so cruel sometimes :( Sending you lots of love and wishes x

  2. This is so very true! I need to stop worrying about a lot of these things too!

    1. Make yourself your number one priority and don't care what others think because I always have to remember that they are probably insecure too. Sending you love and wishes x

  3. Thank you for sharing, also great mantras.I hope you can achieve everything you want.

  4. Love this so much! I have been trying to be more forgiving to myself lately and prioritize self-care but of course, it's so hard sometimes! Thanks for sharing x


    1. Definitely it is a challenge but it's such a rewarding challenge, even if we set out to make it a daily challenge? Thank you for reading, sending lots of love & wishes x


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