20 for 20

March 05, 2017

Hey guys!
Picture taken from Google
So this is my last weekend being a teen! This is mad! From thinking the beginning of my teens I had just started high school, finished my GCSE's, went to sixth form and gained my A-Levels and now I am in my 2nd year of University studying Early Childhood Studies. From thinking at the beginning to the end of teens about how much has happened and how I have changed and grown and now I'm going to be 20 on Tuesday. For this blog post I am going to do what I have learnt from growing up and what helps me keep on growing and developing.
  1. Happiness is important - do what makes you happy
  2. Live your life whilst you can
  3. Family and friends are the greatest part of life
  4. University isn't the be-all and end-all into getting a good job
  5. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or failure
  6. It is okay to have down days and days where you want to be alone 
  7. Take inspiration from those around you
  8. Travel as much as you can
  9. Memories over money
  10. Laughter is the best remedy 
  11. Keep important documents in a folder
  12. It is okay not to know what you want to do in life
  13. Life is not a competition
  14. You don't need to impress or change yourself for others, do it for you
  15. It is okay to say No
  16. Dont change your personality if people don't like it - That's you
  17. Having savings for the future - (I am still learning from this)
  18. Do chores and listen to your parents as this will give you a headstart in living independently 
  19. Never give up
  20. Life is one big rollercoaster ride
Nadine Alex x
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  1. Love this post and these are all things that I think should be remember to keep growing as a person.
    Happy Birthday for Tuesday!
    Laura x

  2. I love these kinds of posts!! Happy birthday for Tuesday, I hope you have a great one!x

  3. Happy birthday for Tuesday lovely! All of these are so true! I had no idea what I wanted to do a couple of years ago - everyone works it out eventually!

    1. Thank you so much! I have wanted to be a Primary School Teacher for since I can remember. But doing my university course we can go into social services, health visitor, specialist for learning disabilities and nutritionist which I find all so interesting in their own ways x

  4. Beautiful list!! A wise one too.. memories over money-agreed. And laughter is always a winner. I work with little kids so that's nice to hear you'll be going into a similar field! I can't wait to read more of your blog :) XX Jen Beautylifemom.com

    1. Thank you :) I've just finished a month's placement in a Primary School working with the 4 and 5 year olds and I really enjoyed it, didn't want to go back to University, just wanted to stay there. Xx

  5. These are things everyone should remember regardless of age. I hope you have a great 20th birthday!

    1. Aww thank you, I had such a fab day, was all chilled out during the day and mad at night aha x

  6. I wish someone had told me before I went to Uni that it's not the be all and end all when it comes to jobs! A lesson I definitely learnt too late. Great tips, enjoy being 20 and have a lovely birthday!

    Tia | The 10am Blog

    1. I wished someone had told me too, I don't regret Uni at all but my cousin who is the same age has me works in the hospital doing Radiotherapy and she didn't do University and hardly went to college.She started out as a cleaner and she showed so much interest so they took her on. Her pay is so good!Thank you x


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