How to Survive a Night Shift
March 02, 2017
Hey guys,
So I've just been given my rota for next week and unfortunately I am on nights (11pm till 7am). However, I am sort of lucky because I haven't done night shifts since 30th December, so I can't really complain. I've doing night shifts for 2 years, so I've picked up quite a few tips which are helpful in surviving the night shift. As many of you may (or may not if your new) know I work in Subway so doing night shifts mean I get all the drunk people who are after hangover food. Therefore, I have put together a few of my tips of what I do to have a successful night shift and what I do afterwards. - The night before I will stay up really late so then I can have a decent sleep during the day of the shift.
- Luckily I can make my room really dark and comfortable so I can get at least 3 sleep before the shift.
- Do nice makeup - gives me the confidence boost
- Positive mindset
- Don't clock watch
- Reduce brightness of phone
- Hydration - drink plenty of water - I tend to drink a few fizzy drinks to give me the energy but I do drink more water than fizzy drinks
- Bring snacks - I tend to bring quite a few sweets so I can share with the other staff - we tend to go for Wine Gums, Squashies, Buttons, Galaxy Counters or Hairbos
- Keep busy
- Have fun - the staff I work with are very friendly and we all get on like family so there is no doubt we all have fun - even when you get the horrible drunks we try turn it positive still
- Think of the sleep you'll be saving the next day
- Bring makeup remover wipes so on your way home it saves you time and you can just jump into bed
- We all tend to go for a little breakfast afterwards - depending on who I am shift with we either end up in McDonalds or Wetherspoons
Nadine Alex x
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