How to Survive a Night Shift

March 02, 2017

Hey guys,
So I've just been given my rota for next week and unfortunately I am on nights (11pm till 7am). However, I am sort of lucky because I haven't done night shifts since 30th December, so I can't really complain. I've doing night shifts for 2 years, so I've picked up quite a few tips which are helpful in surviving the night shift. As many of you may (or may not if your new) know I work in Subway so doing night shifts mean I get all the drunk people who are after hangover food. Therefore, I have put together a few of my tips of what I do to have a successful night shift and what I do afterwards. 
  1. The night before I will stay up really late so then I can have a decent sleep during the day of the shift.
  2. Luckily I can make my room really dark and comfortable so I can get at least 3 sleep before the shift.
  3. Do nice makeup - gives me the confidence boost
  4. Positive mindset
  5. Don't clock watch
  6. Reduce brightness of phone
  7. Hydration - drink plenty of water - I tend to drink a few fizzy drinks to give me the energy but I do drink more water than fizzy drinks
  8. Bring snacks - I tend to bring quite a few sweets so I can share with the other staff - we tend to go for Wine Gums, Squashies, Buttons, Galaxy Counters or Hairbos
  9. Keep busy 
  10. Have fun - the staff I work with are very friendly and we all get on like family so there is no doubt we all have fun - even when you get the horrible drunks we try turn it positive still
  11. Think of the sleep you'll be saving the next day
  12. Bring makeup remover wipes so on your way home it saves you time and you can just jump into bed 
  13. We all tend to go for a little breakfast afterwards - depending on who I am shift with we either end up in McDonalds or Wetherspoons 
Nadine Alex x
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