Moments that Make Christmas the Best

December 18, 2017

Hey guys!
So its officially a week to Christmas, ahhhh!!! Here is what I believe makes Christmas the best.
1. Taking the Christmas decorations out of the attic and decorating the Christmas tree with baubles that have a meaning and putting the Angel up which my Nan got me when I was a baby.
2. Eating a box of Celebrations and Heroes early in the morning and not giving a damn.
3. Not having the main lights on around the house yet having all fairy lights on - the spotlights of blue, purple, green and red still have me gazing in delight.
4. Playing constant Christmas songs as soon as it hits December 1st. - make sure to keep your eyes peeled for my Top Christmas Songs.
5. Advent calendars... who can say no to chocolate? Especially with a hot cuppa on these chilly mornings.
6. Non stop Christmas films - make sure to keep your eyes peeled for my Top Christmas Films
7. Instagramming all the cute and Christmassy decorations - from the tree, to baubles to family nights in.
8. Changing your bedding on Christmas Eve and putting on some new festive PJ's - Like come on putting fresh bedding and fresh PJ's is always the best (especially after a night out of drinking excessively) but there's that extra feeling of happiness when you do it on Christmas Eve.
9. Seeing all the Christmas adverts - from John Lewis, Debnhams, Sainsburys, Boots to Marks and Spencers. But also this year ITV and BBC have pulled it out of the bag too. But I have got to say I do still love the Sainsburys advert from 2014 with the army and John Lewis' 2013 with the bear & hare and their 2015 advert with the man on the moon. *UPDATE - And omg I am loving the Sky Cinema Christmas advert with the mother and daughter and their traditional watching of Sound of The Music.*
10. Coca Cola truck is HERE and so is the advert.
11. Going to your city's lights switch on and christmas markets.
12. Strolling up and down the Christmas aisle in all the supermarkets when doing your weekly shop and falling for all the deals including the Terry's Chocolate Orange.
13. Full fridge + constant cuppas + central heating + candles lit = BONUS.
14. Waking up on Christmas Day at 6am and being sent back to bed.
15. Then waking up at 10am to a bacon butty and a cuppa before opening the presents.
16...Then going back into the kitchen no more than 2 hours later to be hit by the smell of roast potatoes and the turkey.
17. Not being able to see the floor for a good few hours because of the mountain of wrapping paper.

Nadine Alex x
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