Hey guys,
So who isn't addicted to their phones? I am constantly on my phone, I can never put it down. And yes I am currently on my laptop writing this post and my phone is plugged into my laptop charging, ahah. I actually struggle in work when not being able to touch my phone. I'm on my phone that much I use all my data allowance up and have to purchase more which adds another £20 to phone bill. Here are some signs that I have picked up to show I am addicted to my phone, and you are possibly addicted too.1. Money spent on phone accessories - I have about 5 phone cases.
2. Have to charge your phone more than once a day and use it whilst it's still plugged in.
3. Sleep deprived.
4. Missed public transport due to being so occupied on your phone - I know quite a few people who do this quite a bit - Yes Jess and Elly that is aimed at you ahaha.
5. Asking people for their wifi code - Even when I am on nights out (before or after town) I will be straight at the wifi.
6. Sorting apps into folders makes you feel so happier.
7. Forgetting your charger gives you anxiety - Thank god one of my friends, Ella, brings her portable charger around with her 24/7. I don't know how my friend, Jess, can leave the house with her phone barely charged and still doesn't bring a charger out with her.
8. First thing you reach for when you wake up.
9. Everyone knows when your on a night out due to Snapchat.
10. You are in more than 3 group chats.
11. Instagram daily.
12. You make the wallpaper season appropriate.
13. Dropping your phone gives you heart palpitations.
14. Snapchat filters.
15. Phone is in your hand 24/7.
16. Constantly get the notification that your storage is full and still don't want to delete anything.
17. Having loads of the same photo because you want to see which one is worthy for social media.
18. You spend half an hour on the toilet just scrolling through your phone, in which you end up with red marks on your knees from where you've been leaning on them.
19. You carry it in your hand rather than your pocket or bag.
20. You turn to your phone when you face an awkward situation.
How many of you are reading this post on your phones? Ahaha, I bet you my friends will be. When I was in Ayia Napa I lost my phone on the 3rd night so had to carry on 4 days without a phone and literally took my little sister's phone off her for 2 weeks whilst I waited for my new phone to show. I felt so lost on holiday, with all my friends taking pictures and videos on their phones and I'm sunbathing next to them without a phone. I just got rotten instead ahah. Makes me so sad that I lost all my holiday pictures I had taken before hand and that I couldn't take any photos afterwards. Such a shame...Roll on October where I can upgrade my iPhone 😄😄
Nadine Alex x
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