I've Been Tagged!
October 24, 2014I have been tagged by @MeganDoesBeauty (who is also a new blogger like myself - http://megandoesbeauty1.blogspot.co.uk ) to take part in the 'Liebster Award' which was created in order to build the followers of new fashion and beauty bloggers & to extend the blogging community.
These are the rules:
1) Answer the questions sent to you
2) Nominate 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers on twitter
3) Ask them 11 questions though of by yourself
4) Notify them that they have been nominated
5) Enjoy :)
My Answers:
What inspired you to start your blog?
I got inspired to start a fashion and beauty-related blog by other famous bloggers such as Niomi Smart, Zoella, Tanya Burr, Fleur De Force and many others to name. As I am interested in this kind of thing I thought why not so I created the blog to share my passion and interest.
What 3 cosmetic products could you not live without?
I could not live without my Collection concealer, Maybelline BB cream and Rimmel 3D Mascara
What are the first 3 things you do when you wake up?
Toilet, Skincare routine & teeth and Breakfast
What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
Tanya Burr's lipgloss in shade Aurora
What is the most under-rated beauty brand and why?
I think MUA is an under-rated beauty brand because most people that because it is so cheap that it wont be as effective and beneficial compared to other products. Most of MUA's products range from £1 to £4. I love MUA and I find it pleasing with the price because teenagers who get pocket money can buy makeup products. For example; if a teeanager was to get £2 for pocket money they can easily buy a makeup product from MUA. I believe MUA have uped their game as they have introduced some fab products such as the eyeshadow palettes and this Autumn time I am loving their lipstick shades in red.
What is your biggest pet peeve?
I have a few peeves. One peeve that annoys me is drivers who don't use the turn signal and then blame you/beep you when you cross the road. A second peeve is when people drink directly out of drink containers, such as milk. Another peeve that bugs me is when my family messes up the cushions in the living room (I have to have the zips facing the bottom.) A fourth thing that annoys me is when people don't use coasters, it means I have to scrub the stains each time. Another peeve is when people act stupid for attention or when people think I am acting stupid when I am truly just asking a question. A final peeve that I will include is when you get judged for liking something due to the fact of your gender.
One piece of blogging advice for your new fellow bloggers
JUST DO IT! I coudn't make my mind up on whether or not to do the blog and carry on but I love it and I don't care if people have other opinions about it.
What is your signature makeup look?
My signature makeup look is actually quite natural. I don't go all out unless I am going out at night. I usually just wear a BB Cream or Foundation, with blusher, a light eyeshadow colour (white/gold/light brown), mascara and lip gloss. My signature makeup look for the night is where I go darker on the lips and voluminise my eyelashes.
What is your latest cosmetic product craze?
RIMMEL 3D EYELASHES MASCARA! Oh my goodness! This is the best mascara I have tried so far. I love it. I thought it would just give my eyelashes a bit of volume but I was amazed on how it can change the complete look by giving dramatic eyelashes.
How are you finding your new blogging lifestyle?
At first I found it quite difficult to come up with a new post and how to word the posts. I also found the new blogging lifestyle hard to keep up with because it has to up-to-date regularly to keep followers. As I have been blogging for a while now I found that it has gone easier and also doing a weekly schedule of what I am going to post and what I need to do to make sure I am organised.
What is your best style/beauty/fashion tip?
Less is more & always have a skincare routine even if you think your face is clean and you've had no makeup on. Oh and also don't over pluck! (major nightmare!!)
I've Tagged You!:
2) @gingerbfran
3) @leilahdolan
4) @vanillainnov_
5) @annesque
6) @FrecklyRed_
7) @all_over_this
8) @GlitterHolls
9) @BFL_Blog
10) @beausanctuary
11) @flutterbydott
1) Name your top 3 bloggers
2) hat is your signature makeup look?
3) What is your statement piece in most outfit? Could be jewellery, a scarf...
4) What is your favourite magazine to read?
5) What do you think is the most successful fashion & beauty brand?
6) Are you feminist?
7) What inspired you to create a blog?
8) Do you follow any YouTube bloggers?
9) What was the last thing you bought yourself?
10) What 4 cosmetic things could you not live without?
11) What advice would you offer to someone who is starting out in makeup?